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Sustainability Sustainability Initiatives Basic Policy Other Policies
We as a Group will work
together to contribute
to achieving a
sustainable society
HOKKAN Group clearly recognizes that our activities
must be sustainable and in harmony with the
environment and society in order for us to continue
growing in each of our business fields. To this end, we
will proactively work toward solving various social
challenges directly and indirectly related to our
business activities

Sustainability Report


FY 2022 Data

Environmental data
Social data
Governance data
No. Item  
2022 2021 2020
1 Power generation
(thousand kWh)
Container business Solar power 495 41 58
Filling business Solar power 2,289 2,318 2,322
Biogas 799 639 940
111,703 114,501 96,887
2 Energy consumption(thousand GJ) Container business 1,401 1,381 1,388
Filling business 2,289 2,470 1,806
3 Water intake (thousand tons) Container business Clean water 82 91 87
Industrial water 156 152 150
Groundwater 29 22 19
Total water intake 267 265 256
Filling business Clean water 21 24 23
Industrial water 785 1,089 1,241
Groundwater 10,698 11,573 10,832
Total water intake 11,504 12,686 12,096
4 Water discharge
(thousand tons)
Container business River 110 112 110
Sewer 8 11 8
Total water discharge 118 123 118
Filling business River 9,476 10,408 9,819
Sewer 773 959 1,021
Total water discharge 10,249 11,367 10,840
5 GHG emissions
(thousand t-CO2eq)
Container business Scope 1 8 8 9
Scope 2 56 54 54
Scope 3 315 325 312
Filling business Scope 1 102 107 106
Scope 2 16 15 15
Scope 3 116 129 100
6 Waste generation Container business Total waste generated (t) 7,121 10,851 11,252
Recycling rate (%) 99.9 99.8 99.1
Filling business Total waste generated (t) 57,635 63,303 61,420
Recycling rate (%) 99.8 99.7 99.8
7 Chemical substances
controlled by PRTR Law
Container business Emission (t)
(of which released
to the atmosphere)
30(30) 36(36) 37(37)
Amount transferred (t) 11 10 32
Filling business Emission (t)
(of which released
to the atmosphere)
0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Amount transferred (t) 0 0 0
The figures show the total amount for the fiscal year unless otherwise indicated.
※ Environmental data covers HOKKAI CAN, NIHON CANPACK

Sustainability Initiatives


Support for the TCFD Recommendations

Regarding environmental challenges, Hokkan Holdings Group will hereafter focus on (i) contribution to decarbonized society, (ii) sustainable use of water resources, and (iii) contribution to resource recycling society. The Group will especially take approaches toward climate change issues with the target of decreasing 30% of the Scope 1&2 emissions, and 20% of the Scope 3 emissions by 2030 (each compared to 2019), with the final target of neutralizing the greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. On February 2022, Hokkan Holdings Limited has announced its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The Company will proceed to disclose analysis, measures, and related information regarding the influence on Group’s business associated with the risk and opportunity caused by the climate change.

Co-generation system

This is a power generation system introduced toward a low carbon society. It uses natural gas, petroleum, LP gas, etc. as fuel for generating power and at the same time recovers waste heat generated during power generation. Highly evaluated in society, the system won the Cogeneration Award 2017 Chairman’s Award, the highest award in the industrial use category.

By-product building

The by-products generated in the beverage manufacturing process at NIHON CANPACK are processed into valuable resources using RedoxMaster dryer from Glencal Senary. These resources are used as raw material for producing biomass plastics, livestock feed, and other products.


We produce biogas, a renewable energy source, using waste materials from beverage manufacturing processes (coffee grounds and used grain grounds), dehydrated sludge, and other materials. Biogas is used for power generation and heating hot water to warm the fermentation tank.
Solar power発電

Solar power generation

Photovoltaic panels are installed on the rooftop of the Central Research Institute of HOKKAI CAN and likewise on the rooftop of the logistics center and the roof and premise of Tonegawa Factory of NIHON CANPACK. The generated power is used within the respective facilities and also sold when power is generated in excess, to promote the use of natural energy.

Basic Policy on Sustainability


Basic PolicyPOLICY

We will have the highest respect for human
rights, including the rights of employees,
and will not tolerate any discrimination or
We will ensure the safety and health of officers and employees, and aim to be a company that is worth working for.
We will comply strictly with all laws and regulations, and take measures to ensure fair trading, prevent corruption, and eliminate anti-social criminal elements.
We will work to achieve a sustainable global environment.
We will work to develop products and services that meet with a high level of customer satisfaction and will strive to ensure the safety and quality of all our products.
We will take thorough steps regarding the management and use of information resources and ensure that these are disclosed appropriately.
We will work to ensure that our activities are in harmony with local communities and contribute to the happiness of society.
We will monitor the status of activities through sincere dialogue with stakeholders.


We will have the highest respect for human rights, including the rights of employees,
and will not tolerate any discrimination or harassment.

We will respect human rights in all countries and regions where we do business, will not overlook any negative impact on human rights that our business activities may be involved in, and will take appropriate steps to remedy any such impact. We will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or inhumane treatment on the grounds of race, gender, disability, or any other reason. We will respect the rights of workers, including freedom of association and collective bargaining, will not tolerate modern slavery of any kind, including human trafficking. We will have no involvement in forced labor, child labor, or any other form of labor that violates human rights.

We will ensure the safety and health of officers and employees, and aim to be a
company that is worth working for.

Diversity among our officers and employees is an irreplaceable resource for the company. We will work to ensure the safety of all officers and employees, and take steps to maintain and encourage their physical and mental health, giving due consideration to life-work balance, and respond flexibly to the various life events, as well as providing across-the-board support to the growth of a diverse workforce. To this end, we will pay wages that exceed those legally determined by the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we do business, will maintain systems for fair evaluation and treatment of employees, and will to ensure that employees have a safe, hygienic, comfortable, and healthy working environment.

We will comply strictly with all laws and regulations, and take measures to ensure fair
trading, prevent corruption, and eliminate anti-social criminal elements.

We will strictly comply with the laws and regulations of all countries and regions where we do business, and act according to the highest ethical standards. We will be fair in our dealings and reject absolutely cartels, bid-rigging, and all other restrictions on competition. We will have no involvement in bribery or other forms of corruption. We will have no relationship with criminal organizations and other anti-social elements, and will never give payoffs of any kind to such groups. We will take a firm stand in refusing any unreasonable demands.

We will work to achieve a sustainable global environment.

In addition to complying with the environmental laws and regulations of all countries and regions in which we do business,
we will ensure that our activities are in harmony with the global environment at every stage of the value chain. In particular,
we will work to address climate change and work toward the sustainable use of resources, prevention of pollution, and
protection of the environment.

We will work to develop products and services that meet with a high level of customer
satisfaction and will strive to ensure the safety and quality of all our products.

We will address social and consumer issues and develop socially useful and safe products and services that meet with a high
level of customer satisfaction. We will aim to be a company that is trusted by society through the stable supply of these
products and services.

We will take thorough steps regarding the management and use of information
resources and ensure that these are disclosed appropriately.

In addition to taking thorough measures to manage information resources, such as seeking to secure and improve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of such resources, we will look to make efficient use of these resources to improve our competitiveness. We will disclose corporate information in a fair and transparent manner.

We will work to ensure that our activities are in harmony with local communities and
contribute to the happiness of society.

By communicating proactively with local communities, and working on activities that are in harmony with local communities and that contribute to the happiness of local residents and wider society, we will aim to become a group in which officers and employees can take pride in their communities.

We will monitor the status of activities through sincere dialogue with stakeholders.

Through sincere dialogue with stakeholders, we will work toward an understanding of social issues necessary for the achievement of a sustainable society. We will also ask all business partners involved in our business activities for their understanding and cooperation on this policy and on various measures that aim to find solutions to social issues. The Board of Directors will oversee the setting of targets and the status of steps to achieve them, and will disclose information on these as appropriate.