We stand firm to support the planet and the people,
always ready to address their challenges
Since founded in 1921 as a manufacturer of cans for food in Otaru, Hokkaido, we have continued to grow our business to date by expanding into such business fields as filling and machinery production, while also expanding overseas to Indonesia, Vietnam, and other countries.
We believe that our growth over the past 100 years was realized because we continued to deliver products and services by sincerely responding to customer's needs and leveraging our innovative capabilities built on a foundation of manufacturing tradition.
We will continue to relentlessly seek growth and embark on new challenges with a pioneering spirit, together with our customers, to provide products and services that will be sought after by society.
Group Mission
With the frontier spirit, we will keep challenging
and providing products creating value
to our society with our customers.
We celebrated our 100th anniversary on October 23, 2021.
We have been running the business for a century ever since the company was founded in
Otaru, Hokkaido, and as
we step into the next 100 years, we decided to renew our corporate philosophy to more
clearly reflect our
Looking back on our history of 100 years, we developed our new corporate philosophy
based on reflections on
what we have achieved and what we aspire to become.
What is a pioneering spirit?—To us, pioneering spirit is to embark on new challenges
and resolutely pioneer new horizons of manufacturing with initiative and creativity.
Group Concept

exceed your imaginations
endeavor with a pioneering spirit
to improve our products and services day by day

Group logo design
infused with aspirations
infused with aspirations
Hokkan Minerva Red was chosen as a color to express our passion towards a bright future and in respect of the goddess of wisdom, crafts, and commerce.

people’s daily lives
View our trajectory over the past century
Our Future
We will continue to support people’s daily lives in the
coming 100 years
as we always have in the past 100 years
Leveraging the strengths
of each Group companySTRENGTH

Hokkaido a century ago
when canned food was an
emerging new product. Still
today, it continues to
embark on new challenges
as the leading
manufacturer of food/
beverage containers.

become the No. 1 canned
and bottled food/beverage
filler in Japan not only in
terms of production
quantity but of quality. We
deliver safe and secure
products to the world by
ensuring high-quality and
high-speed filling operation
of food and beverages.

links to competitive advantage.
Leveraging its outstanding
technological capabilities, OS
MACHINERY endeavors to
develop higher-quality
machinery to support the
production of diverse products
by customer organizations.
Leveraging the collective
strength of the GroupTOTAL POWER
Drawing on our technology and expertise accumulated over 100 years, HOKKAI CAN as a container manufacturer can make unparalleled proposals to meet customer's needs.
NIHON CANPACK delivers reliable quality with industry top-level filling speed and constantly evolving without being satisfied with the status quo.
OS MACHINERY is equipped with advanced technological capabilities to support the production lines of the above two Group companies
Through collaboration among these Group companies, HOKKAN Group offers unparalleled solution proposals, quality, and technology.

We as a Group will work together
to contribute to achieving a sustainable society
Our activities must be sustainable and in harmony with the environment and
society in order for us to continue growing in each of our business fields and
enhance corporate value in the medium and long term.
We, HOKKAN Group will take action toward solving various social challenges.